
General Idea

This product is designed for Brandeis students who use Latte in their academic studies. Latte is an online assignment management software with strong features. However, Its complicate design often makes users to take several redirections to the assignment they want to check. In the other words, there is no easy way for users to check their assignment details. our product aims to provide a one-step platform help users check their assignments from Latte. Besides, it can also provide information sharing within members in the same class or project.

Assignment Display

The assignments will be shown as colorful big cards with the due date enlarged and emphasized. More importantly, the color of these cards are painted according to urgency: red means less than one hour left till due, yellow means less than one day left till due and etc.

Information Sharing function

If a student joins a class/projects on DueWiz, he/she will see all the assignment information that are shared by the his/her classmates. And if some courses have no information on Latte, the users can create and upload the assignment details manually and the whole class is able to see it.

Private Projects

Beside public assignments, the user are able to set up a private project, work as a private research team and create private assignments. Anyone who wishes to join a project needs permission from the group leader.

LATTE subscription

LATTE is the Brandeis education platform. Simple one-click will import assignments data from LATTE so that a student will see all of her homework information from Latte in DueWiz.

Web scraping

LATTE has no public APIs. Our approach is web scraping. We ask your credentials to load data from LATTE. Account data will be encrypted server-side.


Each assignment takes about one second to load, which is relatively slow. However we offer real-time progress feedback and background processing. That means your web page will not be refreshing while waiting data to load, and LATTE data can be loaded through scheduling spare time.

Background processing

We use ActiveJob and sidekiq to concurrently proceed LATTE data asynchronously. Multiple loading tasks will not slow down the process.

Redis server

Redis in-memory caching service is used to improve performance.